Who Yule Be: Discover Your Holiday Persona

The Festive Fanatic
Values: Celebration, commitment,
embodying the holiday spirit
Quote: “Did somebody say cheer?
I’ve got extra…I’ve been stocking up.”
- 44% had their tree up before
Thanksgiving - 6x more likely for Spotify
wrapped Top Artists to feature
Mariah Carrey and Bing Crosby - May wear holiday PJs year-round
The Exasperated Enthusiast
Values: Memories, family-bonding,
occasionally screaming into a pillow
Quote: "It’s Christmas and we’re all
in misery.”
- 6x more likely to take on
more than a normal human
can handle - 30% question whether it
was all worth it - Content engagement highest
with holiday survival guides,
hacks and fail humor
The Holiday Hero
Values: Generosity, tradition,
performing miracles
Quote: "I’m here to blow minds
and build core memories. Now
please excuse me, I’ve got
work to do."
- 65% have a “just-in-case”
gift wrapped and ready - 4x more likely to be
sleep-deprived by Jan 1 - Has saved, pinned or
shared “magic-making”
ideas on social

Have You Ever Wondered What Classic Character You Embody During
The Holiday Season?
Us Too.
That’s why, this year at Kagency, we created a way to find out, somewhat* based on the real audience research we do for our clients.
*When we say "somewhat," we mean it in the loosest sense of the word.
Happy Holidays from Kagency

The Heart of the Holidays
Values: Connection, quality time, hugs
Quote: “Presence over presents.”
- 60% prioritize experiences over stuff
- 5x more likely to give back
- Gifting go-tos are DIY, Etsy or supporting
small local businesses
The Holly Jolly Hater
Values: Boundaries, authenticity,
raging against the machine
Quote: "Fa-la-la-la-leave me alone."
- 3x more likely to leave snarky comments
on wholesome social media videos - 27% have capitalized on holiday
travel deals to skip town - Search history includes topics like
“excuses to get out of office holiday party”
What's an
You Ask?

Audience personas are generalized representations of target audience segments in the form of a fictionalized person. They’re based on research, data, and insights to help us understand our audience’s needs, preferences, behaviors, and goals. That makes it easier to tailor marketing strategies and messaging just for them.